
IgotanewUSBWi-Fiadapter(ASUSAC1200USB-AC53Nano)andhavefailedtomakeitworkinUbuntu18.04.I'vetriednowalotofpossiblesolutions.,WhenItrytoconnecttomywifinetworkandenterpassword,itwritesthatconnectionhasfailedandasksforpasswordagain.,IhavethisASUSAC53nanodongleIusedforWiFi.WhenItriedinstallingarch,itcouldconnecttotheWiFiperfectlyfromthelivesession,sameaswith ...,ThisdriveraddsLinuxsupportfortheASUSU...

Asus AC1200 USB AC53 Nano Wifi adapter does not work on ...

I got a new USB Wi-Fi adapter (ASUS AC1200 USB-AC53 Nano) and have failed to make it work in Ubuntu 18.04. I've tried now a lot of possible solutions.


When I try to connect to my wifi network and enter password, it writes that connection has failed and asks for password again.

[Solved]ASUS AC53 nano usb adapter not working.

I have this ASUS AC53 nano dongle I used for WiFi. When I tried installing arch, it could connect to the WiFi perfectly from the live session, same as with ...


This driver adds Linux support for the ASUS USB AC53 Nano wireless network adapter. The following was tested using: OS: Fedora 33. Kernel: 5.9.16-200.fc33 ...

Installing Wi-Fi Driver in Ubuntu

I am trying to install the drivers for a wifi adapter but I can't figure out how to do it. The adapter is an Asus AC53 Nano.


ASUS USB-AC53 Nano working on Ubuntu 20.04 · prev 3-7-3 ipad 鏡設到ubuntu. 1. 基本資料, 1-1 使用者帳號建制, 1-2 網管相關網站, 1-3 填報作業, 1-4 設備資訊, 1-5 ...

驅動程式及工具程式 - USB

USB-AC53 Nano. USB-AC53 Nano. 產品支援. USB-AC53 Nano 其他產品. 透過註冊華碩 ... 需要協助? 找尋服務據點. 請選擇作業系統. Linux OS. Linux OS. Windows 11 64-bit.

USB-AC53 Nano - 支援

經FCC和加拿大工業部認證的產品將在美國和加拿大銷售。 · 所有規格如有更改,恕不另行通知。 · 規格和功能或內建軟體因型號而異,所有圖像僅供參考。 · 印刷電路板顏色和內建 ...

[Help] How do I install usb-AC53 nano drivers? : rUbuntu

[Help] How do I install usb-AC53 nano drivers? It's a usb wifi adapter and I have the cd for it. Apparently it's compatible with Linux but I'm ...